WiFi (IEEE 802.11abgn/ac), Zigbee, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth estándar, FHSS, etc:
One sample with antenna connector (such as SMA) for conducted testing
Technical specifications of the DUT and international test reports (if available)
If necessary, additional Testing Hardware
Testing Software and Instructions
Testing Software should be capable of:
Perform a modulated continous transmission
Select the transmission mode (modulation, speed, bandwidth and power level)
Select the channel (low, mid, high)
For Standard Bluetooth, option to set frequency hopping mode
Testing Sample Requirements

Proceso de Homologación de ENACOM

Under Resolution ENACOM 1063-E/2017, Teralab is recognized by ENACOM (ex AFTIC / CNC) to test products according to the following protocols:
Some of the technologies covered by the scope of these protocols are:
WiFi (IEEE 802.11abgn/ac)
Bluetooth Standard
Bluetooth Low Energy
Testing services for telecom/wireless products (ENACOM - ex CNC- homologations)